[VIDEO] Create a Reusable Menu

The video below shows you the different ways to enter meals and attendance into KidKare.  Watch the video or scroll down to see step-by step instructions.

Reusable menus allow you to select complete menus that populate all component fields automatically. Create reusable menus for meals you serve often, so you do not have to manually select each meal component every time. You can create these menus on the Add/Edit Menus page and on the Enter Meal page.

Creating Menus on the Add/Edit Menus Page

  1. From the menu to the left, click Meals.
  2. Click Add/Edit Menus. The Add/Edit Menus page opens.
  3. Click Add Menu.
  4. Click the Which Meal Would You like to Add drop-down menu and select the meal type: Breakfast, Snacks, or Lunch/Dinner.
  5. Click the What is the Name of This Menu box and enter a name for this menu.
  6. Click each drop-down menu and select the meal components. You can also type in the box at the top of each menu to search.
  7. For the Bread/Alternate component, click  next to Is This Whole Grain Rich to mark the bread/alternate as a whole grain rich. The CACFP meal pattern requires that you serve at least one whole grain rich food each day.
  8. Click Save.
  9. You can now view your menu on the Add/Edit Menus page.

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Creating Menus on the Enter Meal Page

  1. From the menu to the left, click Meals.
  2. Click Enter Meals.
  3. Select your meal components.
  4. Click Create My Menu.
  5. Click the What is the Name of This Menu box and enter a name for the menu.
  6. Click Save.

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