When you manually disallow meals, you can select a disallow reason. You must first set up meal disallowance reasons. These reasons populate the Disallowance Reason drop-down menu when you manually disallow meals.
- From the menu to the left, click Administration.
- Select Manage Meal Disallowance Reasons.
- To add a meal disallowance reason:
- Click Add Meal Disallowance Reason. The Add New Meal Disallowance Reason pop-up opens.
- Click the Disallowance Reason box and enter the reason.
- Click Save.
- To change a meal disallowance reason:
- Click the reason to update. The Edit Meal Disallowance Reason pop-up opens.
- Make changes to the reason, as needed.
- Click Save.
- To delete a meal disallowance reason:
- Click the reason to remove. The Edit Meal Disallowance Reason pop-up opens.
- Click Delete.