Print W-10s for Payers

This report lists the total amount of payments a Payer has made for children in your care. This provides Payers with your correct name, address, and TIN. Payers do not file this form on their taxes. Instead, they use it when filing Form 1040 or Form 1040SR. Some Payers may also need this information if they receive benefits under their employer's dependent care plan.

  1. From the menu to the left, click Reports.
  2. Click the Select a Category drop-down menu and select Accounting Reports.
  3. Click the Report drop-down menu and select Form W-10.
  4. Click the Display Your Name or Business Name on Form W-10 drop-down menu and select the name to print on the form.
  5. Click the Payers drop-down menu and select the payer for whom to print this report, or select All Payers. You can also select Blank to print a blank W-10.
  6. Click the Select a Year box and select the year for which to print the report.
  7. Click Run. A PDF downloads.

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