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Grains Ounce Equivalents

Learn all you need to learn about grains ounce equivalents for centers, including changes to settings, menus, quantities, and more.


Copy & Paste Menus for Single Days
Use the Menu Calendar to copy and paste menus to past and future days. When you paste a menu, the meal components are copied to the days you select. However, estimated attendance, estimated quantities, actual attendance, actual quantities served, an...
Copy & Paste Menus for Multiple Days
You can copy and paste menus on the Menu Calendar. This allows you to copy and paste menus to past and future days. When you paste a menu, the meal components are copied to the days you select. However, estimated attendance, estimated quantities, ac...
Add Food Frequency Rules
Setting food frequency rules allows you to limit the number of times a food can be served during a certain time period. For example, you can limit pudding to once a week. Required Permissions: You must be assigned to the Director or Administr...
Add Food Combination Rules
Setting food combination rules allows you to automatically warn or disallow certain food combinations. For example, you may set a combination of mashed potatoes and french fries to be automatically disallowed. Required Permissions: You must be a...
KidKare Accounting Webinar Training with Tom Copeland
This is a transcript of the Q&A held during a KidKare Accounting webinar with Tom Copeland. It has been edited to flow better in a text format. Click the links below to jump to a specific section. General Q: How do I roll over to KidKa...