Updated Articles

  1. Manage Payment Methods and Auto Pay

    If your provider is registered to accept online payments through Parachute, the Settings page will have an additional tab for Payment Information & Auto Pay. This is where you can add payment methods. From the menu to the left, click...
  2. April 2024

    April 3, 2024 All KidKare Users FIXED:  Race and Ethnicity are now required fields when sponsors edit children from Observer Mode (when policy is set this way) FIXED:   Georgia IEF Forms printing children in Part II vs Part ...
  3. Meal Pickup/Delivery Information

    There are two options when it comes to entering meal deliveries and pickups.  The Pickup/Delivery Information is on the attendance screen and is a basic meal temperature and signature tracker.   For those needing to track multi...
  4. [VIDEO] Manage Allergies/Conditions

    Indicate any known allergies or conditions in the Allergies/Conditions tab on the View Participant page. This is especially important if the participant requires any substitutions at meal time. Required Permissions: All users can view...
  5. Manage Allergies/Conditions

    Indicate any known allergies or conditions in the Allergies/Conditions tab on the View Participant page. This is especially important if the participant requires any substitutions at meal time. From the menu to the left, click Children...
  6. Add and Edit Foods

    The Food List page allows you to input certain approved foods for your center. This gives you control over what foods your staff can serve. The Food List page displays all of your foods and their settings in a table. You can see at a glance what f...
  7. Center Sponsors: Add Foods

    Note: We have complied a list of CACFP resources for food buying and crediting in the CACP. Click here for more information. To add a new food: From the menu to the left, click Foods . Click  Food List . The Food List page opens....
  8. Transfer or Copy Children Between Centers

    You can transfer children from one center to another with the Copy Child feature. Once you copy the child to the new center in which they are enrolled, you must withdraw the child from the original center. From the menu to the left, click Child...
  9. ARAS/SFSP Claims Process

    For closed enrolled ARAS/SFSP sites, the claims process will be the same as it is for Childcare Center Claims . For open enrolled ARAS/SFSP sites, the process is slightly different.  These claims do not need to be processed.  Once...
  10. Main Menu Quick Links for Sponsors of ARAS/SFSP

    If you are operating ARAS/SFSP sites that are closed enrolled, they will operate the same way regular centers do.  To review how to use KidKare for these sites, please go to the Center Sponsors knowledge base.  When operating ope...