Print the Year-End Tax Summary for Sponsors

The Year End Tax Summary report provides a statement of claim reimbursements issued and allowable expenses. As long as KidKare was  used to issue payments by check or direct deposit and expenses were documented in the Receipts tool, the Year End Tax Summary will be accurate.

To access this report:

  1. From the menu to the left, click Reports.
  2. Click the Select a Category drop-down menu and select Checkbook.
  3. Click the Select a Report drop-down menu and select Tax Summary.
  4. Click the Year drop-down menu and select Year or Custom.
  5. Choose the year for which to print the report or set a date range for which to print the report.
  6. Click the Select Center drop-down menu and select the center for which to print this report. You can also select All Active Centers to print this report to all centers at an active status, or select Choose Multiple Centers to set filters for centers to include.
  7. If you are printing this report for more than one center, specify how to sort the report: by center name or center number.
  8. Click Run.

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