Error Codes 34-78

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Error Codes in This Article

Error 34

A Meal was Rejected as Recorded on the Attendance Form

If you use Direct Entry claims, you can record both attendance and meal disallowances. This error is generated for any meal you disallow on a Direct Entry claim.

If you see this error on a Full Bubble Menu, it may be that the Full Bubble Menu was scanned using the Attendance Menu scanning option. You must re-scan the claim with the proper scanning option.

Error 35

The Planned Menu as Indicated on the Attendance Menu was Rejected

This error is generated if you or your staff specifically disallows a meal by indicating that the Master Menu was invalid on an Attendance Menu (mark the MM bubble in the Disallow column(s) on the form). This error disallows the meal.

If you see this error on a Full Bubble Menu, it may be that the Full Bubble Menu was scanned using the Attendance Menu scanning option. You must re-scan the claim with the proper scanning option.

Error 36

A Meal was Recorded, but no Children were Recorded in Attendance

This error is generated when providers record a meal but do not mark any children in attendance. When this happens, there is little you can do about the situation, as there is no way for you to know what children actually attended the meal. This error is generated to let you and the provider know about the situation, so the provider can correct the issue going forward.

This error should typically only be generated on scanned claims.

Error 37

Child Not Present at Meal Time According to Daily In/Out Times

Some sponsors must obtain daily attendance (in/out times) for all of their children. This error is generated if a child was marked as attending a meal, but the child was not marked as in care while the meal was being served. It can warn or disallow the child for the meal.

Providers can record In/Out times on the Check In/Out page in KidKare or on scannable In/Out forms. 

Note: This error cannot be generated if there are no daily meal times for the meals the provider serves. However, meal times can be pulled from the provider's file if your agency chooses to do so for providers who use scannable forms.

Error 38

The Child was not Yet Enrolled as of Meal Date

This error is generated if a child is claimed prior to the child's enrollment date. This error always disallows the claimed child.

You enter child enrollment dates in the Enrollment Date box in the Child Information Child tab.

Error 39

The Child Not Yet Born as of Meal Date(s)

This error is generated when a child is claimed for a meal prior to the child's date of birth. This error always disallows the child.

Receiving this error typically means that the child's date of birth is incorrect. Verify the child's birth date in the Birth Date box in the Child Information child tab.

Error 40

An Invalid Child Number was Recorded on the Scannable Menu Forms

This error is generated if a provider marks a child number on a scannable form that does not correspond to a child who was actively enrolled with the provider during the claim month. The unknown child is disallowed.

In some cases, this can be caused by smudges on the form. Since the smudges are accidental and the provider won't receive reimbursement for the unknown child anyway, these cases have no effect on the claim's meal counts.

However, in most cases, the children are associated with the meal and attendance records when the forms are processed. If you scan or manually enroll new children after you scan the menu/attendance forms (usually when you re-process the claim), this error will go away. If, for some reason, it does not, and you've verified that the child has been properly enrolled, re-scan the menu/attendance forms.

Error 42

The Special Needs Child is Older than the State's Max Allowable Age for Special Needs Children on the Given Meal Dates

This error is generated for special needs children who are over the state's special needs age limit. Special needs children are typically eligible for Food Program reimbursements at much older ages than non-special needs children. This error does not appear if your state has no age limitation for the reimbursement of special needs children. If you need to change your state's maximum special needs limit (i.e., you don't get this error, but you should get it for children over 18), contact Minute Menu Support.

Error 43

The Child was Claimed After the Child was Withdrawn from Care

This error is generated when a child is claimed after their date of withdrawal. This error disallows the child on all subsequent dates, generates a warning, or is ignored completely.

When providers withdraw children in KidKare or on the CIF (which requires you to withdraw the child), they must enter an effective date of withdrawal. You can find the child's withdrawal date in the Withdrawal Date box in the Child Information Child tab (you may need to filter to include withdrawn children).

Error 44

The Child's Infant Formula Preference Indicates Parent Supplies Formula and Food

Parents can indicate that they will provide formula and food for their infant children on enrollment forms. This error is generated for meals served to 6-11 month-old infants when both formula and food are provided. It is not generated for meals served to 6-11 month-old infants where only formula is served. It is not generated at all for 0-5 month-old infants.

Error 45

Provider is not Active

This error is generated if a provider is not properly activated in Minute Menu HX. It usually appears with a larger number of other errors in the claim. If you see this error, check the provider's file to determine whether they need to be properly activated or fully removed. When finished, re-process the claim.

Error 46

A Pending (or Unknown) Status Child was Claimed

This error is generated when a pending child is claimed. This error always disallows the child.

Children enrolled in KidKare remain at a Pending status until you use the Activate New Children function to activate them. You can also manually set children to Pending if you do not have a valid, signed enrollment form for them. If you receive this error, check the child's status and activate them, if appropriate. Then, re-process the claim.

Error 47

A Child was Recorded on the Wrong Scannable Menu Form (Infant vs Regular Menu)

The Infant Menu is intended for all children under one (1) as of the given meal date. The Regular Menu should be used when recording children ages one (1) and up, as of the given meal date.

This error is generated when a child is recorded incorrectly, based on the child's age. This frequently occurs when an infant turns 1 during a given month, so the provider may mistakenly record the non-infant child on the Infant Menu, as well as offer the wrong meal pattern to the child. Unlike Error 126, this error is always a disallowance. 

Note: Special Diet infants may be claimed on the Regular Menu. If this is the case, this error will not generate. For more information, see Error 145.

Error 48

The Child's File Indicates S/He is not Participating in the CACFP

When children are enrolled, the parent/guardian can indicate that the child in question is not participating in the CACFP. This is usually done by Providers for their own children in certain states. In other states, this can apply to all children—especially to infants whose parents provide both formula and food.

When these children are claimed, the processor notes these non-participating children for capacity purposes only. This means that these children will not be reimbursed as part of the Food Program. This error is generated when this happens. It always disallows the affected children.

If you see this error and you do not deal with the non-participating children in any way, you must check the Participating in CACFP box in the Child Information Child tab for those children.

Note: This error may or may not apply to daycare children, depending on agency preference.

Error 49

Provider's Own Children Cannot be Claimed Unless Provider is Tier 1 Income Eligible

This error is generated if the provider claims their own children and they are not Tier 1 by Income. Own children are only reimbursed at Tier 1 rates when the provider is Tier 1 by Income.

Consult the provider Information Tiering tab to ensure that there are valid Income Eligibility dates recorded (this may be in addition to School or Census Area eligibility for those providers who are School/Census eligible for Tier 1 but are able to claim their own children).

Error 50

A Foster Child was Claimed Outside the Foster Dates

This error is generated when a foster child is claimed outside of the child's foster care dates as noted in the Tier 1 Start/End date boxes in the Child Information Rules tab or if those dates are missing.

A provider's own foster children are always reimbursed at Tier 1 rates, regardless of the provider's tier. Before Minute Menu HX can process foster children properly, you must check the Child is Tier 1 box in the Child Information Rules tab and enter the child's foster care dates in the Tier 1 Start/End dates boxes. These dates are typically based on the foster agreement the provider has with the state for those child.

Error 51

A Tier 1 Child was Claimed Outside the Child's Tier 1 Eligibility Dates. Child will be Claimed as Tier 2

Tier 1 children in Mixed Tier homes must have valid starting and ending eligibility dates to indicate that the child has a valid income eligibility statement on file. You enter these dates in the Tier 1 Start/End Dates boxes in the Child Information Rules tab.

If the child is claimed outside of these dates, the child will be reimbursed at Tier 2 rates.

Note: If a provider is Tier 1, the child's tiering level is not subjected to this edit check.

Error 53

A Saturday Meal was Claimed without Saturday Documentation on File for the Provider

Some states require specific, signed statements from providers that are open on Saturday. To indicate that the provider is open on Saturday and that you have a statement on file, check the Saturday box in the Documentation on File section of the Provider Information Other tab.

This error is generated if a provider serves meal on a Saturday but does not have a statement on file in Minute Menu HX in the Provider Information Other tab. This error warns or disallows the meals.

Error 54

A Sunday Meal was Claimed without Sunday Documentation on File for the Provider

Some states require specific, signed statements from providers that are open on Sunday. To indicate that the provider is open on Sunday and that you have a statement on file, check the Sunday box in the Documentation on File section of the Provider Information Other tab.

This error is generated if a provider serves meal on a Saturday but does not have a statement on file in Minute Menu HX in the Provider Information Other tab. This error warns or disallows the meals.

Error 55

A Dinner was Claimed without Dinner Documentation on File for the Provider

Some states require specific, signed statements from providers that serve Dinners. To indicate that the provider serves Dinner and that you have a statement on file, check the Dinner box in the Documentation on File section of the Provider Information Other tab.

This error is generated if a provider serves a Dinner but does not have a statement on file in Minute Menu HX in the Provider Information Other tab. This error warns or disallows the meals.

Error 56

An EZ Menu was Claimed, but Provider is Not Approved to Serve EZ Menus

This error is generated when a provider attempts to use an EZ Menu and is not approved to do so. This error ignores, warns, or disallows these meals.

EZ Menus are specific scheduled menu plans that sponsors set up for providers. To approve providers to use EZ Menus, check the EZ Menus box in the Provider Information Meals tab.

Error 57

A Sponsor Cycle Menu was Claimed, but Provider is not Approved to Serve Sponsor Cycle Menus

This error is generated when a provider attempts to use a Sponsor Cycle Menu and is not approved to do so. This error ignores, warns, or disallows these meals.

Sponsor Cycle Menus are weekly meal plans that sponsors set up for their providers. To approve providers to use Sponsor Cycle Menus, check the Sponsor Cycle Menus box in the Provider Information Meals tab.

Error 58

A Provider Cycle Menu was Used, but Provider is not Approved to Serve Provider Cycle Menus

This error is generated when a provider attempts to use a Provider Cycle Menu and is not approved to do so. This error ignores, warns, or disallows these meals.

Provider Cycle Menus are weekly meal plans that providers set up for personal use. To approve providers to use Provider Cycle Menus, check the Provider Cycle Menus box in the Provider Information Meals tab.

Error 59

A Master Menu was Used, but Provider is not Approved to Serve Master Menus

This error is generated when a provider attempts to use a Master Menu and is not approved to do so. This error ignores, warns, or disallows these meals.

Master Menus are single menu templates sponsors create for all providers. These menus are not date-specific or day-specific. To approve providers to use Master Menus, check the Master Menus box in the Provider Information Meals tab.

Error 60

An Invalid Master Menu Number was Recorded on the Scannable Menu

If a provider marks the Master Menu bubble (M) on a scannable form, they must provide a valid Mater Menu number in the lowest Fruit/Vegetable row for that meal. For more information about Master Menus, see Master Menus.

This error is generated if the number entered on that row does not correspond to a Master Menu plan in the system. It warns, disallows, or ignores the effected meals.

Error 61

A Particular Food or Type of Food was Served too Often

Sponsors can set up rules that limit the frequency with which certain foods can be served. For example, sponsors could set up a rule that cookies cannot be served more tan twice to any given child. This error is generated when these rules are violated. This error warns or disallows the child or meal in question.

The rules you set up should match the statements on your printed Food Chart. For more information about setting up food rules, see Food Rules.

Error 62

No Active Children are Enrolled for the Provider

This error is generated when a claim is processed but no child enrollments are on file. This error usually appears for new providers if their enrollment forms have not been scanned yet. To correct this error, set up the provider's children and re-process the claim.

Error 67

Provider Used Cycle Menu Outside of the Dates for Which S/He was Approved to Serve Cycle Menus

Some sponsors require their providers re-submit their cycle menus for approval on a periodic basis. You can set up cycle menu approval dates to track this. This error is generated if a provider attempts to use a Provider Cycle Menu outside o these approval dates. It warns or disallows the given meals.

Error 68

The Child is Older than the Provider's License Allows

This error is generated if a child who is too old to be claimed is claimed (based on the provider's license) as of the meal date. This is determined by the the age entered in the Oldest box in the Ages Allowed section of the Provider Information Licensing tab.

Error 69

The Child is Younger than the Provider's License Allows

This error is generated if a child who is too young to be claimed is claimed (based on the provider's license) as of the meal date. This is determined by the the age entered in the Youngest box in the Ages Allowed section of the Provider Information Licensing tab.

Note: In some cases, this error may appear for large numbers of providers after data has been newly converted. Notify Minute Menu HX support if this happens.

Error 72

The Meal was Indicated as a Master Menu on the Scannable Form, but No Master Menu Number was Bubbled In

If a provider marks the Master Menu bubble (M) on a scannable form, they must provide a valid Mater Menu number in the lowest Fruit/Vegetable row for that meal. For more information about Master Menus, see Master Menus.

This error is generated if the provider does not enter a master menu number at all. It warns, disallows, or ignores the effected meals.

Error 73

A Cycle Menu Plan was Switched within a Week. The Same Cycle Menu Plan Must be Served Within a Single Week

Some sponsors require that Cycle Menus are followed without substitutions. This error is generated when a provider switches the Cycle Menu mid-week. This may or may not disallow the meal in question.

Error 74

A Cycle Menu Plan that was Served was the Same as the one Served During the Prior Week

Some sponsors do not allow their providers to repeat Cycle Menu plans each week. This error can be generated if a provider does repeat the same cycle menu plan. It can warn or disallow the meals in question.

Error 75

A Child was Served After the Child's Enrollment Expiration Date was Reached

All children must be re-enrolled each year. Minute Menu HX can be configured so each child has an Enrollment Expiration Date recorded in their file. This date would need to be updated each year to indicate re-enrollment. This error is generated if a child is served after their enrollment expiration date. It warns or disallows the given children from the meals in question. You can also configure this error to allow children for the entire month of expiration (instead of just the expiration date).

Enrollment expiration dates are entered in the Expiration Date box in the Child Information General tab.

Error 76

A Meal was Served in Which the Provider's Own Children Were the Only Known Children Served

Food Program rules require that a provider must serve at least one child who is not their own during a meal. This error is generated if the provider only serves their own children during a meal. It disallows the entire meal.

In some cases, a day care child may be marked in attendance at a meal with the provider's child, and the day care child is disallowed for another limit (example: the child exceeds the 2 + 1 limit for the day). The processor can be configured to look at the disallowed day care child, so the provider's own child is not disallowed since the day care child was present, or it can be configured to ignore the disallowed day care child, which would disallow the provider's own child.

Contact Minute Menu HX Support to change the way this is handled in your system.

Error 77

Two Juices were Served at the Given Meal(s)

This error is generated if a provider services two juices at a meal. A Lunch or Dinner is not creditable if both the Fruit and Vegetable meal components are juices. This error disallows the meal.

Error 78

A Juice was Served at the Given Meal(s)

Some sponsors encourage providers to serve a fruit or vegetable instead of a juice during Lunch or Dinner, since milk is already a component of the meal pattern. This error is generated when providers serve a juice at Lunch or Dinner. It warns or disallows the affected meal.

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