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Error Codes in This Article
Error 79
The Same Dinner was Served as Lunch During the Given Day
This error can be issued if a dinner matches a lunch in a day to encourage diversity of offered foods. This error only looks at the food served—not the individual children served. This means that it still generates even if the children present at Dinner are completely different from those served at Lunch. Error 165 applies on a child-by-child basis.
This error warns or disallows the children who attended the dinner and the lunch.
Error 80
The Same Snack was Served More than Once in a Day
This error can be issued if the same snack was served to the same children more than once in a day. This error only looks at the food served—not the individual children served. Error 166 applies on a child-by-child basis.
This error warns or disallows the children who were served the same snack.
Error 81
The School/Census Poverty Percentage is Insufficient to Classify the Provider as Tier 1 for all Meals Served on Given Date(s)
A Tier 1 provider must have Tier 1 eligibility dates for Income Eligibility, School Area, or Census Area. These dates must encompass the current meal date. Otherwise, the meal will be reimbursed at a Tier 2 or Mixed Tier rate.
However, Minute Menu HX can be configure to look at multiple factors when determining provider tiering. In this case, if a provivder is Tier 1 by School or Census data, the system also examines the poverty percentage of the School or Census area. If that percentage is less than 50%, the provider is still processed at a Tier 2 or Mixed Tier rate, even if their dates do encompass the existing meal date. Some sponsors like to apply this extra level of checking.
If you see this error, you can check the poverty percentage for either the School or Census area in the Provider Information Tiering tab.
Error 82
Provider's Tier 1 Eligibility Dates are Not Valid on Given Date(s)
A Tier 1 provider must have Tier 1 eligibility dates for Income Eligibility, School Area, or Census Area. These dates must encompass the current meal date. Otherwise, the meal will be reimbursed at a Tier 2 or Mixed Tier rate.
This error is generated and the provider does not receive Tier 1 reimbursement if you have not entered a valid ending and start date in the Provider Information Tiering tab for any of the three qualifying reasons (income, census, school district).
Error 83
Child Exceeds 2 Meals & a Snack or 2 Snacks & a Meal Limit
This error is generated if a child is claimed for more than two (2) meals and one (1) snack or two (2) snacks and one (1) meal. When this error is generated, the meals are disallowed in a way that maximizes the provider's reimbursement: Snacks are disallowed before meals, and Breakfast is disallowed before Lunch or Dinner.
Some agencies encourage providers to claim all children at all meals to keep a more accurate picture of attendance and to help Providers track all their meals served for tax purposes. If your agency does this, you may see this error in large numbers.
Error 84
Provider is not Approved for Given Meal Serving
You can configure Minute Menu HX to allow providers to accurately record split shifts/servings (when a meal is served twice in a given day to two different groups of children). This is controlled by the setting you select in the Highest Meal Shift Tracked drop-down menu in the Provider Information window.
This error is generated when a provider attempts to claim a second serving of a given meal, but they are only approved for one (1) serving. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the additional shifts.
Error 85
Provider Over Capacity, but Approved for Single Column Serving Overlap on Scannable Form. Verify Provider Capacity
Minute Menu HX handles split-shift checking in two ways: Providers mark a first and second shift on scannable forms/KidKare independently, or they mark all children in capacity at both shifts, but mark only a single serving. The latter case is referred to as a single-column overlap. You must set up Overlap Capacity in the Provider Information Other tab for each split-shift meal.
This error is generated when a provider is over their Overlap Capacity. This error is always a warning.
Error 86
Provider Over Capacity, but Waiver is in Effect. Verify Capacity with Waiver
Certain states allow capacity waivers for a specific time period. This error is generated if a provider is over capacity, but one of these waivers is in effect. All over capacity errors will be allowed.
You can find the provider's current waiver status in the Provider Information Licensing tab.
Error 87
Related Children are the Only Children Served in Given Meal Serving(s) on a Holiday
The provider's own children can never be the only children present during a meal. In some states, this rule is taken further on holidays. This error is generated if the only children served are the provider's own children or related non-resident children, the meal is disallowed as well. It warns or disallows all children at the meal.
Error 88
An Other Food was Served in the Given Meal. Verify Nutritional Components
This error is generated any time a provider serves an Other food. It warns the affected meal.
Other foods are foods in your food list, such as Other Meat or Other Bread. If your agency does not have any Other foods set up, this error does not appear.
Error 89
Special Diet Statement on File for Given Child(ren) is Expired
This error is generated if a provider serves special diet food to a child whose special diet statement has expired as of the meal date. It ignores, warns, or disallows the child.
You can find the child's special date statement information in the Child Information Special tab.
Error 90
Special Needs Child(ren) was Served at the Given Meals
This error is generated for all meals at which a special needs child is served. It produces a warning. You can disable this warning message if you do not want to receive notifications that special needs children were served.
Error 91
School Aged Child Served a Meal When Child Should have Been in School
This error is generated when a school aged child is served an AM Snack or Lunch (and, in some cases, Breakfast) on a school day. This error is ignored on weekend and on any day you or the provider indicates that school was closed or the child was home sick.
Notes: School closures can be noted on the School District Calendar or Sponsor Calendar, and child illness can be noted on the Child Calendar. When you print the Claimed Foods & Attendance report, children who are out of school or sick are noted with an s or i for the given date.
If a child has specific school days within the week (as marked in the School Attend Days section of the Child Information Schedule tab), this error is ignored on those days of the week the child does not attend school. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the affected child.
If a child is determined to be school-aged based on your state's capacity regulations, the child may be subjected to this edit check (assuming your agency performs this check). However, even if a child is assumed to be school aged from a capacity standpoint, a child is only subjected to this check if their Grade Level/School Type (Child Information Schedule tab) as follows:
- During Lunch, these children are checked:
- S (School Aged)
- K (Kindergarten/All Day Kindergarten)
- L (All Day Headstart)
- During AM Snack (and possibly Breakfast), these children are checked:
- S (School Aged)
- K (Kindergarten/All Day Kindergarten)
- L (All Day Headstart)
- A (AM Kindergarten)
- D (AM Headstart)
Note that this specifically excludes children designated as Year Round School, Home School, or No School. Consult the child's school designation in the Child Information Schedule tab.
Error 92
The Following Meal(s) were Disallowed by a Monitor as a Result of a Review Visit
This error is generated by each meal a Monitor disallows during a home review visit. All meals noted by the Monitor are disallowed automatically, and this error is generated for each one of them. Only those reviews conducted within the month of the claim are examined for this error.
Consult the specific review in question for more information about the disallowance.
Error 93
Monitor Recorded Different food for a Meal than was Recorded by the Provider
When you record the results of a review in Minute Menu HX, the processor cross-checks the foods observed by the Monitor with the information claimed by the provider. This error is generated when a provider claims foods that do not match those foods observed by the Monitor during a home visit review (during the claim month). This warns or disallows the affected meals.
This error cannot be generated for reviews where you do not specify foods that were observed. It is also not generated for claims where food information is not supplied, such as Attendance Menus or claims entered with the Record Full Month Attendance function.
Error 95
A Cycle Menu was Recorded, but the Cycle Does Not Include the Given Meal on the Chosen Day of Week
This error is generated if a provider marks the Master Menu bubble on their form to note that a Cycle Menu was used but does not select a Cycle Menu containing a cycle meal for the given day of the week and given meal that is being claimed.
You can review cycle menus in the Plan Sponsor Weekly Cycle Menu window or in the Provider's Cycle Menu Plan window.
Error 96
No Foods were Served but Child(ren) were in Attendance for the Given Meal(s)
This error is generated when children are marked in attendance, but no foods are marked for the given children. For non-infants, this means the provider forgot to supply foods for the given meal. For infants, it can mean the same thing, or it can mean that the provider supplied foods for an age category that was inappropriate for the age of the given child.
For example, a child turned 6 months old in the middle of the month, and the provider marked infant foods in the 0-5 months age category throughout the month. There are no foods marked in the 6-11 months category once the child turns 6 months old, so this error is generated.
Note: This error typically only occurs on scannable menu claims and will disallow all children in the given age group for the given meal.
Error 97-106
Provider was Over Capacity
One or a combination of these errors are generated if a provider records some combination of children that violates their license capacity, as noted in the Provider Information Licensing tab. Capacity errors can disallow the number of children that are over capacity, disallow the entire meal, issue a warning, or ignore the situation.
Note: If a waiver is in effect, the over capacity children will be allowed.
Error 107
Provider did not Bubble-in Any Children for the First Serving of the Following Meal(s). Meal was Automatically Adjusted
Last Modified on 03/08/2019 12:31 pm CST
This error is generated if a provider uses the split serving/shift mechanism on scannable forms, but does not indicate if any children attended the first serving. It has no impact on processing, but is intended to help the provider properly fill out paperwork in the future.
Error 109
Child File Indicates the Child Doesn't Normally Attend Day of Week
This error is generated if a child attends a meal on a day that is not marked in the Child Information Schedule tab. This error can ignore, warn or disallow the child.
Error 110
Child File Indicates the Child Doesn't Normally Attend Given Meal
This error is generated if a child attends a meal that is not marked in their Child Information Schedule tab. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the child.
Error 111
Meal Claimed Before Provider's First Allowed Claim
Every provider has an Original CACFP Start Date in Minute Menu HX. Providers cannot submit claims before this date. However, some sponsors require an additional starting claim month before which no claims are accepted. If your agency requires this, select the claim month in the First Claim Month Allowed drop-down menu in the Provider Information General tab.
This error is generated if a claim is received prior to the first claim month allowed, or if the starting claim month is missing. It always causes a disallowance.
Error 112
Meal Claimed Before CACFP Agreement Date
Some states require that sponsors renew the agreements they have with providers on a yearly basis. To track this, enter a date in the Current CACFP Agreement Date box in the Provider Information General tab.
This error is generated if a meal is claimed before the Current CACFP Agreement Date is reached. It can warn or disallow all meals claimed on the affected days.
Note: This error is not generated if the Current CACFP Agreement Date box is blank.
Error 113
Provider's Own Child was Claimed, but Meal Served Outside Range of Child's Tier 1 Income Eligibility Dates
Some sponsors must note income starting and ending dates for each of a provider's own children, even after they add Tier 1 Income Eligibility Dates to the provider's file. You enter these dates in the Tier 1 Start Date and Tier 1 End Date boxes in the Child Information Rules tab.
This error is generated when individual children lack Tier 1 Starting and Ending dates, or if the meal in question was served on a day outside of those date ranges. It prevents the provider's own children from being claimed/paid.
Error 114
Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider's Fire Inspection Certification Expired
Some sponsors record fire inspection expiration dates for each of their providers. This error is generated if that expiration date has passed. It can warn or disallow meals served for those dates.
You can enter this expiration date in the Fire Inspection Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab.
Error 115
Meals Claimed on Dates after Provider's Health Inspection Certification Expired
Some sponsors record health inspection expiration dates for each of their providers. This error is generated if that expiration date has passed. It can warn or disallow meals served for those dates.
You can enter this expiration date in the Health Inspection Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab.
Error 116
Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider's Standards Certification Expired
Some sponsors record licensing standards inspection expiration dates for each of their providers. This error is generated if that expiration date has passed. It can warn or disallow meals served for those dates.
You can enter this expiration date in the License Standards Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab.
Error 117
Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider's Medical Certification Expired
Some sponsors record medical certification expiration dates for each of their providers. This error is generated if that expiration date has passed. It can warn or disallow meals served for those dates.
You can enter this expiration date in the Medical Certification Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab.
Error 118
Meals Claimed on Dates Before Provider's Preapproval Date
Some sponsors perform pre-approval visits to each of their providers. These visits are done after the original CACFP contact is signed, but before any claims can be approved for the provider. You enter pre-approval dates in the Pre-Approval Date box in the CACFP Contract Info section of the Provider Information General tab.
This error is generated for any meals claimed on dates prior to the pre-approval date.
Note: This error is not generated if a date is not provided in the Pre-Approval Date box.
Error 119
Deleted Menu Used
This error is generated when a provider uses a pre-planned menu that they subsequently deleted. It should not typically occur, but serves primarily as an internal message. Contact Minute Menu HX Support if you receive this error.
Error 120
Child File Indicates Child Arrived After Meal was Served or Left Before Meal was Served
Some sponsors cross-check meal times with a child's enrollment schedule. This error is generated if the meal is served at a time the child's file indicates the child is not in care (based on the following: drop-off/pick-up times, weekend drop-off/pick-up times, and school departure/return times). It may warn or disallow the affected child.
Check the Child Information Schedule tab and compare the actual meal time (in the Examine Meal History window) for KidKare claims or the provider's approved meal times in the Provider Information Meals tab for paper claims (scanning or direct entry). Pay special attention to AM/PM problems.
Meal duration recorded in KidKare is assumed based on the time preferences found in the Sponsor Preferences window. For paper claims, examine the start.ending times supplied in the Provider Information Meals tab. If no end times are supplied, the duration is assumed based on the sponsor preferences.
Child school departure/return times are accounted for only if school is in session for the child on the given day (they are ignored if school is out). The system assumes school is in-session based on the child's daily school schedule and when no school out or child illness calendar information has been entered into the system.
Note: If daily In/Out times are available (via KidKare or scannable In/Out forms), they take precedence over the child's enrollment form information.
Error 121
Meals Served Before Provider Opened or After Provider Closed
You can record open and close times for each of your providers in the Provider Information Other tab. If you do so, this error is generated when a meal is served before the provider's open time or after their close time. This can ignore, warn, or disallow the affected meal(s). If it is set to ignore, the open/close times on file are also ignored.
Note that when the open time is before the close time, overnight care is assumed. Night times are examined if enabled. Use the Examine Meal History window to look at the time a meal was served in any KidKare claim, or use the Provider Information Meals tab to review the provider's meal times for paper claims (scanning or direct entry).
Error 122
Non-Participating Child Noted for Capacity Checking, Yet Disallowed for Meals
When children are enrolled, the parent can indicate that the child is not participating in the Food Program. This is done in some states for the provider's own children. When these children are claimed, the processor notes them for capacity purposes, but they are not reimbursed as part of the Food Program.
This error is generated to indicate that non-participating children were noted. If you see this error and you do not deal with non-participating children in any way, update the affected child's file accordingly (check the Participating in CACFP box in the Child Information Child tab).