Understand Provider IDs

The Provider ID is the provider's primary identification number for the remainder of their enrollment in your sponsorship. They use this ID when filling out forms. They also use a variation of this ID number to log in to KidKare for online claiming. It appears on all provider reports.

When you enroll new providers, the lowest unassigned provider number available in your system displays next to the Provider ID box. You do not have to use this number. It is only meant to be a helpful tool.

You can enter up to six numbers in the Provider ID box (this may be set lower for some sponsors). You cannot use letters or special characters. Many sponsors use the provider's state-assigned license ID or Food Program contract number here, assuming that ID is numeric and consists of six digits or less. If you enter a provider ID that is already in-use, you are prompted to enter a new one when you attempt to move to the next tab. 

Note: Even if you cannot use a state-assigned license ID or Food Program contract number, you can store these identification numbers elsewhere in the provider's file.

We strongly recommend that you do not change the provider ID once you finish setting up the provider. This is to ensure that your historic reports remain consistent. However, if you should need to change the ID for any reason, you can do so in the Provider Information window. Note that changing the provider's ID will also change their login ID. Contact KidKare Support, as we will need to reset the provider's KidKare account.

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