Error Codes 1-33

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Error Codes in This Article

Error 1

The Same Food was Served Twice in the Same Meal

This error is generated when a provider has recorded the same food as two different meal components. For example, a provider may have recorded baked beans as a Meat/Alternate and as a Vegetable. This disallows one of the two identical food components, which disallows a Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner. It may or may not disallow a Snack.

Error 2

Inappropriate Food Combinations were Served in the Same Meal

This error is generated when a provider records foods that violate food combination rules you set up. For example, you set up a rule that carrot juice cannot be served with carrots because the two items are too similar. A provider serves these two foods together, and this error is generated on the OER. 

This error will warn or disallow one of the two similar food components, which warns or disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not warn or disallow a snack. The food combination rules you set up determine whether this is a warning or a disallowance. For more information about setting up food combination rules, see Food Rules.

Error 3

The Food Served is not Recommended for Children of the Given Age Group

When you set up foods in Minute Menu HX, you can indicate which foods are not appropriate for children under 1 year old. You can also indicate which foods are for infants, specifically. We can configure these foods so the system warns or disallows the given food if it is served to a child in the wrong age group. 

This error is generated when providers serve a food that is allowable for a child in a given age group, but is nto recommended. It does not disallow the food component or the meal.

Contact Minute Menu Support if you need to change the way your agency handles this particular error for any given food.

Error 4

The Food Cannot be Served at the Given Meal

When setting up foods in Minute Menu HX, you can indicate that certain foods are appropriate for certain meals only. For example, you can indicate that cereal is appropriate only for Breakfast and Snacks. This error is generated when one of those foods is served at a meal for which it is not approved. It disallows the given food component for the meal, which disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not disallow a Snack.

Contact Minute Menu Support if you need to change the way your agency handles this particular error for any given food.

Note: For more information about setting up Foods, see Foods.

Error 5

The Food is Not Approved as Given Meal Component

This error is generated if the provider claimed a food as a particular type of food, but the food is set up as a different type of food. For example, a provider may have claimed a food as a Meat/Alternate, but the food is set up as a Bread/Alternate. This disallows the given food component(s) from the meal, which disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not disallow a Snack.

Contact Minute Menu Support if you need to change the way your agency handles this particular error for any given food.

Error 6

The Food Cannot be Served to Children of the Given Age

This error is exactly like Error 3, except that it does disallow the given food (rather than just noting it is not recommended). This disallows the given food component(s) from the meal, which disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not disallow a Snack.

Contact Minute Menu Support if you need to change the way your agency handles this particular error for any given food.

Error 7

A Meal Component was Missing from the Meal

This error is noted only for meals were all foods are required—including Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, but excluding Snacks and certain infant meals.

This error is relatively straightforward when analyzing Regular Menu scannable forms or KidKare claims for children of all ages. However, you may receive this error on Infant Menu scannable forms even when it appears all meal components have been supplied. In this case, the components were supplied for the wrong age range.

Error 8

A Food Number Supplied on a Scannable Menu is not a Valid Food Number

This error is generated when a given food number marked on the bubble form does not correspond to a food set up in Minute Menu HX. The food number is included with the error, and an asterisk listed here indicates that the particular component of the number (the ones place, tens place, or hundreds place) had two different numbers bubbled in by the Provider.

This error effectively disallows the given food component(s) from the meal, which disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not disallow a Snack.

If you receive this error, print your Food Chart to ensure that the food number the provider marked does not actually exist. If it does exist for some reason, your food database may not be set up properly. If this is the case, contact Support.

Note: You should never see this error on anything but Full Bubble Menu scanned claims, unless you manually document this error in the Manually Enter Claim Errors for Direct-Entry Claims window. If you see this error at any other time, contact Support.

Error 9

At Least Two Valid Foods Must be Served at Snacks

This error is generated when there are not at least two valid foods served with a given Snack. This disallows the snack.

Error 10

Parent Supplied Formula was Served to a Child Whose File Indicates the Provider Supplies Formula

This error is generated when providers serve parent-supplied formula to a child who's file indicates that the child should be served provider-supplied formula. For example, a provider served an infant parent-supplied formula, but the child's file indicates that the child should receive provider-supplied formula/breast milk. It is a warning only. This warning message can be disabled, if needed. This error is the opposite of Error 12.

Minute Menu HX examines the child's enrollment file for the infant formula preference when determining whether a given infant meal has all the required components to warrant reimbursement. This means that meal reimbursement is based on the child's file, regardless of the type of formula the provider notes when filing out claim forms (when marking scannable forms or using KidKare).

Note: You set formula preferences in the Child Information Special tab.

Error 11

A Non-Special Diet Child was Served Special Provision Milk

This error is generated when an infant is served special provision milk, even though that child's file does not indicate that the child is on a special diet. This error is generated as a warning only.

Note: You mark a child as having a special diet in the Child Information Special tab.

Error 12

Provider Supplied Formula was Served to a Child Whose File Indicates the Parent Supplies Formula

This error is generated when providers serve provider-supplied formula to a child who's file indicates that the child should be served parent-supplied formula. For example, a provider served an infant provider-supplied formula, but the child's file indicates that the child should receive parent-supplied breast milk. It is a warning only. This warning message can be disabled, if needed. This error is the opposite of Error 10.

Minute Menu HX examines the child's enrollment file for the infant formula preference when determining whether a given infant meal has all the required components to warrant reimbursement. This means that meal reimbursement is based on the child's file, regardless of the type of formula the provider notes when filing out claim forms (when marking scannable forms or using KidKare).

Note: You set formula preferences in the Child Information Special tab.

Error 13

A Special Diet Child was Served

This error is generated when a child whose file indicates that the child has a special diet is served in a meal. This error is generated as a warning only. You can disable this message for infants, non-infants, or both.

Note: To indicate a child has a special diet, check the Special Diet box in the Child Information Special tab.

Error 16

A Doctor's Statement Has not Been Received for the Special Diet Child(ren) Served During the Month

This error is generated when an infant who is noted as having a special diet is served special provision milk, but you have not indicated that you've received a doctor's statement for the child. This error is either a warning or a disallowance. You can also disable it.

Note: To indicate a child has a special diet, check the Special Diet box in the Child Information Special tab. Then, check the Statement on File box to indicate that you have received a doctor's statement for this child.

Error 17

Snacks Cannot Include only Milk and Juice, Another Food Must Also be Present

This error is generated when the only valid, approved foods at a Snack are milk and juice.

Error 22

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fell After this Provider's CACFP Agreement Expired. Verify Provider's Yearly CACFP Application

Minute Menu HX allows you to store an annual provider contract expiration date for each of your providers. This date is not related to license or tiering, but it is used in some states when provider contract renewals (with their sponsors) are checked regularly.

If you use this feature, enter a date in the Current CACFP Expiration box in the Provider Information General tab. This error is generated if the date entered in this box has passed or if there is no date entered in this box. 

You can configure this error to disallow all meals served on the dates that fall after this date, warn for a period of months and then disallow all meals, or you can disable this error so it is not generated. You can also disable the Current CACFP Expiration box is you do not even store the date in provider files.

Error 23

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fall Before this Provider's CACFP Original Start Date

Minute Menu HX stores an original CACFP contract date for all providers. This date displays in the Original CACFP Start Date box in the Provider Information General tab. This error is generated if the date in this box has not yet been reached or if there is no date entered in this box. It disallows all meals on these dates.

Error 24

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fall Before this Provider's License Start Date

Minute Menu HX stores child care licensing start and end dates in the Start Date and End Date boxes in the Provider Information Licensing tab. Your state's licensing agency may supply a start date, end date, or neither date. If they are not provided by the state, you must typically enter some kind of value into these boxes, such as 1/1/1950 for a start date and 12/31/2050 for an end date.

This error is generated when the license start date has not yet been reached. You can configure this error to to disallow all meals on days prior to the license start date, or you can configure it to generate a warning. You can also disable this error.

Error 25

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fall After this Provider's License End Date. Verify License Re-Application

Minute Menu HX stores child care licensing start and end dates in the Start Date and End Date boxes in the Provider Information Licensing tab. Your state's licensing agency may supply a start date, end date, or neither date. If they are not provided by the state, you must typically enter some kind of value into these boxes, such as 1/1/1950 for a start date and 12/31/2050 for an end date.

This error is generated when the license end date has passed. This error can be configured to disallow all meals served on dates after the license end date, generate a warning for a few months and then disallow meals, or it can be ignored.

Error 26

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fall Between Relocation and Relocation Approval Dates

Minute Menu HX can be configured to keep track of providers who move. When this feature is enabled, enter dates in the Date of Move and Approval Date boxes in the Provider Information Contact tab.

Once you enter a date in the Date of Move box, all meals claimed after this date are either disallowed or warned until the date in the Approval Date box is reached. These boxes have no impact on your claim if both boxes are blank, or if both boxes contain dates for months past. 

This error is only generated when processing a claim with meal dates that fall between the Date of Move and the Approval Date.

Error 27

Meals were Claimed on Dates when the Provider was Closed

This error is generated when a provider claims meals on days on which they were closed. This error either disallows all meals for those days or generates a warning.

Providers can enter their operating hours and closure dates in KidKare or on their CIF. Sponsors can also enter this information in the Provider Calendar window in Minute Menu HX or in KidKare.

Error 28

Meals were Claimed on Dates that Fall After the Provider was Withdrawn

This error is generated for all days claimed after a provider's removal date. This error can disallow or warn all meals claimed on these days.

Error 29

Meals were Claimed on a Holiday

This error is generated when a provider claims a meal on a holiday, and there is no indication that the provider was open on that holiday (per the Provider Calendar). This error disallows, warns, or ignores meals claimed on a holiday (unless you have set the error to allow providers to claim on holidays for which they have indicated they are open). 

Sponsors set up specific holidays in the Sponsor Calendar window. Providers can indicate they are open for business on these holidays in the Provider Calendar in KidKare, or on their monthly CIF (which you, the sponsor, then record in the Provider Calendar in Minute Menu HX).

This edit check can also be performed at the level of individual children. 

Error 30

Provider is not Approved to Serve Meals on a Day of the Week when Meals were Served

Minute Menu HX can be configured to allow you to store the days of week on which providers are approved to serve children. This information is stored in the Provider Information Meals tab. This error is generated if the provider claims a meal on a day for which they are not approved to serve children. It can ignore, warn, or disallow meals served on these days.

Error 32

Provider is not Approved to Offer a Particular Meal that was Served

Minute Menu HX can be configured to allow you to store the meals providers are approved to offer to children. This information is stored in the Provider Information Meals tab. Check the box next to each meal to allow in the Meals Allowed section.

This error is generated if a provider claims meals outside of those for which they are approved in the Provider Information Meals tab. It can ignore, warn, or disallow these meals.

Error 33

A Hand-Recorded Food was not Approved

This error is generated if you or your staff disallows a meal hand-written on an Attendance Menu (you mark the appropriate bubble on the form to disallow the meal). This disallows a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, but may or may not disallow a Snack (At least three food components must be disallowed for snacks).

If you see this error on a Full Bubble Menu, it may be that the Full Bubble Menu was scanned using the Attendance Menu scanning option. You must re-scan the claim with the proper scanning option.

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