[VIDEO] Send New Enrollments with eForms

Sending enrollment forms to new participants can be completed at the sponsor level, or at the site level as long as permissions are set.  Note that at Step 3, these are the same steps a center would follow to send an enrollment form to a new participant.

  1. From the menu to the left, click Observer Mode.
  2. Select the Center in which you are wanting to enroll the new participant.
  3. From the menu to the left, click Children.
  4. Click List Children
  5. Click  and select Send eForms. Note that the Add button defaults to this selection upon page revisit.
  6. Complete the Participant Details section.
    1. Click the First Name and Last Name boxes and enter the participant's first and last name.
    2. Click the Birth Date box and enter the participant's birth date.
    3. Click the Classroom drop-down menu and select the classroom to which to assign the participant. You can select Unassigned to assign the participant to a classroom later. You can also click  to add a new classroom.
    4. If you need to enroll a sibling at the same time, click Add Participant. Repeat Steps 3a - 3c for the additional child. You can add as many siblings, as needed. Adding children this way ensures that the parent only needs to complete one income eligibility form for the household.
  7. Complete the Guardian Details section.
    1. Click Existing to select an existing parent/guardian. Then, select the contact.
    2. Click New to add a new parent/guardian and enter their information.
  8. Click Send Invitation.

What Do I Do if the Guardian Does Not Have an Email Address?

If the guardian does not have an email address, they can complete the form on-site.

  1. From the menu to the left, click eForms.
  2. Click View Status.
  3. Locate the appropriate record. For instructions, see View Status. If you are a sponsored center, see Work with eForms for Sponsored Centers.
  4. Click  in the column to the far right. This opens the form on the device you are using.
  5. Have the guardian complete and sign the form.

Next Steps

Once parents complete the necessary enrollment and income eligibility forms, you must approve and renew participants on the Approve & Renew page. For more information, see Approve & Renew. You can also monitor enrollment status on the View Status page. For more information, see View Status

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