Error Codes 156-1000

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Error Codes in This Article

Error 156

A Meal was Recorded on an Infant Menu, but no Children were Recorded in Attendance

This error is generated when providers record a meal but do not mark any children in attendance. When this happens, there is little you can do about the situation, as there is no way for you to know what children actually attended the meal. This error is generated to let you and the provider know about the situation, so the provider can correct the issue going forward.

This error is only generated for scannable Infant Menu forms.

Error 157

A Monitor Noted the Provider was Over Capacity During a Home Visit

This error is generated if a review has been noted Over Capacity for a specific meal seen by the Monitor. It is always a warning message only.

Error 158

Meal was Reviewed, and No Food or Attendance Discrepancies were Found

You can configure Minute Menu HX to generate an All Clear internal warning message in the event that a Monitor saw a meal and found no problems with it. Some agencies find this useful if they perform further manual checks for their reviews, or if they want a guarantee that the review was examined when the claim was processed (for auditing purposes). This is always a warning message only.

Error 159

Special Needs Child was Claimed, but Documentation is not on File

This error is generated if a special needs child is claimed after their 13th birthday and now documentation is on file. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the child.

To indicate that documentation is on file for a special needs child, go to the Child Information Special tab, check the Medical Statement on File box, and enter an expiration date.

Error 160

Provider Claimed Prior to State Approval Date

This error is generated if a provider has not yet been approved by the State Agency. This error only applies to those agencies where Minute Menu HX receives state approval information from the State Agency.

Error 161

Child File Indicates the Child Doesn't Normally Attend Day of Week, but Days Vary is Indicated

Minute Menu HX can check a child's weekly schedule (by day of the week) and disallow or warn the child if they aren't enrolled for that day (see Error 109). You can further configure this error so that the Days Vary box (Child Information Schedule tab) can be referenced, and, if it is checked, the child can still be claimed.

This error is generated if you do not allow Minute Menu HX to reference the Days Vary box to exempt the child from individual day-of-week checks.

Error 162

Child File Indicates Child Arrived After Meal was Served or Left Before Meal was Served, but Times Vary is Indicated

Minute Menu HX can check a child’s daily hours of enrollment and disallow or warn the child if the child isn’t enrolled for a time that covers the meal (Error 120). You can configure this further so that the system references the Times Vary box (Child Information Schedule tab) and still allows the child to be claimed, even if their enrollment times don't cover the meal.

This error is generated if you do not allow Minute Menu HX to reference the Times Vary box and exempt the child fro mthe specific time check.

Error 163

An Infant was Claimed who Does not Have the Infant Feeding Form on File

Some agencies track whether an Infant Feeding Form has been received for each infant in care. To do do this, check the Infant Feeding Form Received box in the Child Information Special tab. 

This error is generated if the Infant Feeding Form Received box is not checked for an infant.

Error 164

The Name of the Formula Offered by the Provider has Not Been Indicated in the Child's File

This error is generated if your agency requires a formula name in the Formula Offered by Provider box in the Child Information Special tab, and no formula name is provided for an infant claimed.

Error 165

The Same Meal was Served to the Child for Lunch and Dinner on the Given Day

This error is identical to Error 79, except it appears for those agencies who have configured the same dinner as lunch edit check to be child-specific (instead of applying it to all children served). In this case, only those specific children who were at both lunch and dinner are affected.

Error 166

The Same Snack was Served to the Child More Than Once in a Day

This error is identical to Error 80, except it appears for those agencies who have configured the snack edit check to be child-specific (instead of applying to all children served). In this case, only those specific children who were at both identical snacks are affected.

Error 167

All Children in the Following Age Group were Disallowed by a Monitor as a Result of a Review Visit

This error is generated when a Monitor disallows a meal for either infants or non-infants, per the Provider Reviews Meals tab. This is always a disallowance.

Error 168

No Race has Been Indicated in the Child File for the Claimed Child

This error is generated for children with no racial data on file. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the child.

Error 169

Enrollment for Child is Expiring Soon. If Enrollment Renewals are not Received Before the Expiration Date, This May Result in Loss of Reimbursement for This Child

This error is generated as a warning message, specifically for the Provider Error Letter, as a reminder to providers that they should send in updated child enrollment documentation.

Error 170

Insufficient Time was Allowed Before/After This Meal and the Previous/Next Meal for This Child (Infants not Disallowed)

Some agencies want to ensure that meals and snacks are served within certain times of each other, typically two (2) or three (3) hours. You can configure Minute Menu HX to check minimum times between meals, based on your policies. This error is generated if a provider serves a meal too close to another meal. It warns or disallows the meal. Unlike Error 143, this error is generated on a per-child basis.

For providers who use scannable forms, this error checks the times entered in the Provider Information Meals tab. For providers who use KidKare and In/Out forms, the actual supplied meal times are checked instead. When researching this error, check the Examine Meal History window for KidKare claims, and check Provider Information for paper claims (direct entry or scannable claims). Pay special attention to AM/PM discrepancies.

Error 171

Child Claimed on Weekend

Some agencies require that children who are claimed on weekends have signed In/Out forms. These agencies then document the signature in the Child Calendar.

This error is generated for any child claimed on a weekend who has not been documented in the Child Calendar. It warns or disallows the children.

Error 172

Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider's CPR Certification Expired

This error is generated if meals are claimed after the provider's CPR certification expiration date has passed. You record this date in the CPR Certification Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab. This error warns or disallows.

Error 173

Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider's Fingerprint Certification Expired

This error is generated if meals are claimed after the provider's fingerprint expiration date has passed. You record this date in the Fingerprint Expiration box in the Provider Information Other tab. This error warns or disallows.

Error 174

Special Needs Statement on File for Given Child(ren) is Expired

This error is generated if a meal is claimed for a child whose special needs statement has expired as of the meal date. Using these expiration dates is optional. You can review and update these dates in the Special Needs Expiration Date box in the Child Information Special tab. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the child.

Error 175

No Water or Other Beverage was Served at a Snack. Snacks Should Include Water, Milk, or Juice

Some states require that water be served at a Snack if no other beverage is served. This error can also be generated if you require water at meals. It can ignore, warn, or disallow the affected meal.

Error 176

Meals Claimed on Dates After Provider Helper's Expiration Date

This error is generated if meals are claimed after the provider helper's expiration date. It warns or disallows affected meals. This error only applies if you track the provider helper's expiration date in the List Helpers window.

Error 177

Child Claimed When Absent

This error is generated when a child is claimed for a day/meal when a Child Not Present calendar entry exists for that day/meal.

Error 179

State Assigned ID Missing

Some agencies require that a State Assigned ID be on file for their providers. This error is generated when that ID is missing.

Error 187

Whole Grain-Rich Component not Served on Day

This error is generated if non-infant meals include a bread/grain component, but none of the recorded bread/grains were marked as whole grain-rich. It warns or disallows the affected meals. This edit check does not apply to infant meals.

The following scenarios explain when this error is generated:

  • If only one meal was served in a day and the meal did not include a grain, the error will not be generated. 
    • Example: The only meal served in a day was a snack of apples and milk. The snack did not include the grain component. The whole meal is reimbursable and this error is not generated.

  • If only one meal was served in a day and the meal did include a grain, but the grain was not marked as whole grain-rich, so this error is generated.
    • Example: A PM Snack is the only meal served. It consists of apples and crackers. The crackers were not marked whole grain-rich, so this error is generated.

  • If multiple meals were served, and the meals did not include a bread/grain, the meal with the lowest reimbursement that contained the grain component will be disallowed.
    • Example 1: Breakfast, Lunch, and PM Snack are served. Breakfast and Lunch had a grain component, but neither were marked as whole grain-rich. In this case, Breakfast is disallowed. This is because the PM Snack did not have a grain component, and Breakfast has a lower reimbursement rate than lunch.

    • Example 2: Breakfast, Lunch, and PM Snack are served. Lunch was the only meal that included a grain component, and it was not marked as whole grain-rich. Also, the provider served a meat/alternate at breakfast that day. Therefore, Lunch is the only meal that included the grain component (not marked whole grain-rich), so it is disallowed.

  • The whole grain-rich edit check runs after all other edit checks, so if a meal that included a grain was already disallowed for another reason, one of the remaining meals that contained the grain component is disallowed.
    • Example: Breakfast, Lunch, and PM Snack are served. The grain component is served at all three meals, but none are marked whole grain-rich. PM Snack was disallowed for an unrelated reason. The processor then disallows the next available meal that contained a grain component. In this case, that meal is Breakfast.

  • If the meal that was marked as whole grain-rich was disallowed for another reason, the whole grain-rich food satisfies the requirement, and another meal would not be disallowed.
    • Example: Breakfast, Lunch, and PM Snack are served. A whole grain-rich food was served at PM Snack, but it was disallowed for an unrelated reason. The whole grain-rich food served at PM Snack still satisfies the requirement. Therefore, there are no additional disallowances.

Error 188

Child Was Not Recorded in Attendance

This error is generated if a claimed child was not marked in attendance, and you have set preference S.001b to Warn or Disallow.

Error 189

Infant Previously Served Developmental Foods was not Served Solid Foods

This error is generated if preference Q.010 is set to Warn. Meals are checked starting from the first day that the infant was marked as developmentally ready at a meal in KidKare. This error is a warning only.

Error 190

A Meal was Served in Which Two or More Components May Have Been Provided by the Parent

This error is generated if preference Q.009 is set to Warn or Disallow. This error is generated an infant's file indicates that the parent supplies food and the provider recorded two or more meal components—excluding formula/breastmilk. 

Error 191

Juice Cannot be Served More Than 1x Per Day to Non-Infants

This error is generated if preference Q.011 is set to Warn or Disallow. This error is generated when a provider serves more than one meal per day that includes juice. It disallows the lowest reimbursable meal and is included on the Provider Error Letter.

Error 192

Insufficient foods served for developmentally ready infants

This error is generated if preference Q.010 is set to Disallow. Meals are checked starting from the first day that the infant was marked as developmentally ready at a meal in KidKare.  If an infant is marked as developmentally ready for solid foods and is under 6 months old, a warning will generate when the required 2 components are not served.   If an infant is marked as developmentally ready for solid foods and is 6-11 months old, meals will be disallowed when the required 3 components are not served.   

Errors 200-299

Over Capacity When Combining Split Shifts

This errors correspond to the regular over capacity errors, but are generated if a second pass of capacity checks is performed.

If enabled, these capacity checks are only performed if when a split shift is claimed. The system effectively combines the children claimed at the first serving with the second severing and then performs a capacity check on that combined meal. This is usually unnecessary if you specifically approved/disapproved a provider for a second serving in the Provider Information Meals tab. However, this edit check can be enabled if your agency wishes to perform this kind of capacity analysis.

These capacity checks can cause disallowances just like the normal capacity checks, or they can generated as warning messages only.

Errors 300-399

Over Capacity When Adding Children Not Claimed

This error is related to Error 155. These are specific capacity errors generated if the system adds back-in children who were not claimed, even though they should have been (based on their enrollment schedule).

This error may highlight those providers that are specifically under-claiming children to avoid over capacity problems. Normal capacity checks re always performed, and this check can be enabled so that it functions as a second pass of capacity checking. This error can be generated as a warning message or can be configured to disallow just the normal capacity checks.

This works as follows:

  • In all cases, the system will only assume a child is present for meals when the child has already been actively claimed for at least one meal on that day.
  • If daily in/out times for a child are present, they are examined and compared against the meal service times for each meal (or split-shift meal serving) based on the times used by the Claims Processor. The child must be in care for at least X number of minutes after the meal (or specific split-shift meal serving) starts or Y number of minutes before the meal ends to be assumed present (if not already marked). X and Y are both set to zero (0) minutes by default but can be configured on a per-meal basis, if needed.
  • If daily in/out times aren't present for the child, the system will look at the child's enrollment for information (as found in the Child Information window).
    • This system first looks at the days for which the child is enrolled. If the Days Vary box (Child Information Schedule tab) is checked, the system does not assume the child is present.
    • If there are specific drop-off and pick-up times for the child (while factoring in school depart/return times and/or weekend drop-of/pick-up times) that indicate the child should be present at a given meal based on the times used by the Claims Processor, the child is assumed present (while also accounting for minimum lengths of time needed before the meal ends and after the meal starts, as described above). If the Times Vary box is checked in the Child Information Schedule tab, the times in the child's file are ignored for this analysis.
    • If no specific enrollment times are supplied, the system reverts to the child's approved meals. In the absence of time data on split-shift meals, the system always assumes the child should be at both servings. For single-serving meals, the system assumes the child is present if they are enrolled for that meal, claimed during the day, but not claimed at that meal. School-aged children are not assumed present while at school, even if enrolled for the given meal, if school is in session that day (assumed for weekdays and school-scheduled days, unless a calendar entry indicates school is out or the child is out of of school sick).

      Note: A child who was only marked for one serving of a split-shift meal, but whose times support both servings, is assumed present at the other serving if the above analysis warrants it.

  • When comparing against meal times, the Claims Processor could use any of the following:
    • Actual Times of Service Recorded in KidKare: The provider enters meal service start times (for both servings in the case of split-shift meals), and the end times are computed automatically based on an assumed duration in minutes for each meal (which can be configured for each sponsor).
    • Actual Times of Service Recorded on Scannable In/Out Forms: The provider records the meal service start time on the form, and the end time is computed based on the duration (or range) of the meal as supplied on the form. In the event of a split-shift meal, the system can either assume this same time for both shifts, or it can pull from the second serving meal time, as supplied in the Provider Information Meals tab.
    • Meal Times from the Provider Information Meals Tab (or Split-Shift Serving): The system could pull just the start time and assume an end time based on a default meal duration, or it could pull both start and end times from the provider's file (if the latter is enabled for your agency).
    • Agency-Wide Times for All Claimers: The system uses a set start and end time, regardless of provider. These same start and end times are applied to both servings in the event of a split-shift meal.

For those agencies who already assume the providers' own children will be at meals while checking capacity because of other licensing issues, those children are ignored while performing this edit check.

Error 998

Manual Claim Error

This is the printed message you supplied when recording a manual claim.

Error 999

Adjustment Claim Error

This is the reason for any adjustment or change that you may have made to a claim.

Error 1000

In Order to Process Claims, You Must Activate This Provider

This error appears if you attempt to process claims for a provider who is not set to Active status. It disallows all meals and cancels claims processing.

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