Set Up Siblings in KidKare

Before you can add multiple children to a single invoice, those children must have the same contact in their enrollment information. This contact can then be added as a Payer on the Accounts page. Children with the same Payer will populate the secondary Select Child drop-down menu when you’re creating an invoice and select Add Child.

Set Up Siblings in KidKare for Homes

To set up siblings in KidKare using an existing contact:

  1. From the My Participants page, select the child to update.
  2. Click Edit in the Primary Guardian section.
  3. Click + Add Another Contact.
  4. Click Existing.
  5. Click the Select Existing Contact drop-down menu and select the contact to associate with this account.
  6. Select Primary Guardian, Guardian, or Other.
  7. When finished, click Update.
  8. Designate the contact as a Payer of invoices. See Designate Payers for Invoices for more information.

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Set Up Siblings in KidKare Food Program

If you are a commercial childcare center, use these instructions to set up siblings in KidKare.

  1. From the Participants page, select the child to update. The View Participant page opens.
  2. Click Add Contact in the Contacts tab.
  3. Enter the contact's name in the First Name and Last Name boxes. These must match the contact on the sibling record.
  4. Click the Relationship drop-down menu and select this contact's relationship to the participant.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Designate the contact as a Payer of invoices. See Designate Payers for Invoices for more information.

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